Displaying 1241 - 1250 of 6042 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to extend the time for making the selection of Jurors, and preparing the Jurors’ Books in Upper Canada in the present year. 30th August, 1851. 14 & 15 Victoria – Chapter 112 1851 This act gives towns, villages, and cities extra time to complete their yearly jurors' books in order to assure it is done properly. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to define and restore certain Rights to parties therein mentioned. 30th August, 1851. 14 & 15 Victoria – Chapter 111 1851 This is an amendment to a past act called An Act for the better establishment and maintenance of Common Schools in Upper Canada, allowing each ward to open its own school. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to explain and amend the Assessment Law of Upper Canada. 30th August, 1851. 14 & 15 Victoria – Chapter 110 1851 This is an amendment to the regulations surrounding how property is assessed in Upper Canada. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend the Upper Canada Municipal Corporations Act of one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, by adapting the same to the late change in the Upper Canada Assessment Laws, and for other purposes relating to the Municipal Corporations of that section of the Province. 30th August, 1851. 14 & 15 Victoria – Chapter 109 1851 This is an amendment to an act passed in 1849, called "An Act to provide, by one general law, for the erection of Municipal Corporations, and the establishment of Regulations of Police, in and for the several Counties, Cities, Towns, Townships and Villages in Upper-Canada," which facilitates the creation of municipal corporations so that townships can in turn establish their own police forces. It defines what constitutes a township for the purposes of incorporation, the responsibilities of the municipal councils once they are established, matters which will be policed by the established village police force, and various other matters. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to fix the place for holding the Polls for the Election of Members of Parliament in Townships divided into Wards in Upper Canada, and for other purposes relative to Elections. 30th August, 1851. 14 & 15 Victoria – Chapter 108 1851 This act dictates the place where elections are to be held in townships divided into wards; that is to say, the town hall, or the last place the town council met before the election if the town does not have a town hall. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the regulation of Hunting and the preservation of Game. 30th August, 1851. 14 & 15 Victoria – Chapter 107 1851 This act creates a yearly season for hunting game birds on the beaches of Kamouraska, and sets rules surrounding the annual hunt. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorize the setting apart of Lands for the use of certain Indian Tribes in Lower Canada. 30th August, 1851. 14 & 15 Victoria – Chapter 106 1851 This act sets aside a tract of land not exceeding two hundred and thirty thousand acres for the use of first nations in Lower Canada. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend the Act incorporating the Members of the Medical Profession in Lower Canada, and to regulate the Study and Practice of Physic and Surgery therein, to afford relief to certain persons who where in practice as Physicians and Surgeons in this Province at the time when the said Act became Law. 30th August, 1851. 14 & 15 Victoria – Chapter 105 1851 This is an amendment to an 1847 act related to the medical profession in Lower Canada which requires all surgeons, doctors, and midwifes to have a license, and a certain level of education. It also established the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Lower Canada as a corporation. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend the Act for the encouragement of Agriculture in Lower Canada. 30th August, 1851. 14 & 15 Victoria – Chapter 104 1851 This is an amendment to a past act encouraging the establishment of agricultural societies in Lower Canada, and allows these societies to set up their public shows and displays whenever they choose. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend the Act to continue and amend the Ordinance concerning the erection of Parishes, Churches and Church-yards, in Lower Canada. 30th August, 1851. 14 & 15 Victoria – Chapter 103 1851 This is an amendment to an 1850 act concerning the management of property by church trustees in Lower Canada. Early Canadiana Online