An Act to alter and amend an Act, intituled “An Act for ascertaining Damages of Protested Bills of Exchange.” |
1794 |
New Brunswick (1786-1867) |
10 years 9 months ago |
An Act to Alter and Amend an Act, intituled “An Act for regulating Inn-Holders, Tavern-Keepers and Retailers of Spirituous Liquors.” |
1794 |
New Brunswick (1786-1867) |
10 years 9 months ago |
An Act for Altering the Times of holding the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace in the County of Charlotte. |
1794 |
New Brunswick (1786-1867) |
10 years 9 months ago |
An Act to Explain and Amend an Act intituled “An Act for regulating the Fisheries in the different Rivers, Coves, and Creeks of this Province.” |
1794 |
New Brunswick (1786-1867) |
10 years 9 months ago |
An Act for apprehending Persons in Any County or Place upon Warrants granted by the Justices of the Peace of Any Other County. |
1794 |
New Brunswick (1786-1867) |
10 years 9 months ago |
An Act for the better Regulating the Militia in this Province. |
1794 |
New Brunswick (1786-1867) |
10 years 9 months ago |
An Act for granting certain Sums for repairing and laying out Roads, Passed the 21st of February, 1801. |
1801 |
New Brunswick (1786-1867) |
10 years 10 months ago |
An Act for appropriating certain Monies for defraying the expences of the Province. Passed the 21th of February, 1801. |
1801 |
New Brunswick (1786-1867) |
10 years 10 months ago |
An Act to empower the Justices of the Peace for the County of York, to make such regulations respecting the Winter Roads in that County as may be found necessary, Passed the 16th of February, 1801. |
1801 |
New Brunswick (1786-1867) |
10 years 10 months ago |
An Act to continue an Act, intituled “an Act for preserving the Bank of the River Saint John, in front of the Parishes of Maugerville, Sheffield and Waterborough.” Passed the 21st of February, 1801. |
1801 |
New Brunswick (1786-1867) |
10 years 10 months ago |
An Act for preserving the Bank of the River Saint John, in front of the Parish of Lincoln, in the County of Sunbury. Passed the 21st of February, 1801. |
1801 |
New Brunswick (1786-1867) |
10 years 10 months ago |
An Act for the further and better support of the Poor in the City of Saint John. Passed the 11th of February, 1801.
1801 |
New Brunswick (1786-1867) |
10 years 10 months ago |
An Act to continue an Act made and passed in the thirty-sixth year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled “an Act for regulating, laying out and repairing Highways and Roads, and for appointing Commissioners and Surveyors of Highways within the several Towns or Parishes in this Province, and for suspending for a limited time all the Laws now in force relating to the same." Passed the 21st or February, 1801. |
1801 |
New Brunswick (1786-1867) |
10 years 10 months ago |
An Act for erecting a Court-House and Gaol in the County of Westmorland, and for altering the Shire-Town of the said County. Passed the 21st of February, 1801. |
1801 |
New Brunswick (1786-1867) |
10 years 10 months ago |
An Act for the Support and Relief of confined Debtors. Passed the 21st of February, 1801. |
1801 |
New Brunswick (1786-1867) |
10 years 10 months ago |
An Act for the better securing the Navigation of Passamaquoddy Bay within Deer Island. Passed the 21st of February, 1801. |
1801 |
New Brunswick (1786-1867) |
10 years 10 months ago |
An Act to repeal all the Acts now in force relating to Trespasses, and for making new Regulations to prevent the same Passed the 4th of February, 1801. |
1801 |
New Brunswick (1786-1867) |
10 years 10 months ago |
An Act for the rendering Justices of the Peace more safe in the execution of their office; and for indemnifying Constables and others acting in obedience to their Warrants. Passed the 21st of February, 1801. |
1801 |
New Brunswick (1786-1867) |
10 years 10 months ago |
An Act for raising a Revenue in this Province. |
1801 |
New Brunswick (1786-1867) |
10 years 10 months ago |
An ACT in addition to and in amendment of an Act intituled “An Act for the Regulation of Seamen.” Passed the 9th Day of February, 1798. |
1798 |
New Brunswick (1786-1867) |
10 years 10 months ago |