Displaying 8161 - 8180 of 9690 entries
    Title Year Province Added
    An Act to authorize the Lieutenant-Governor, to Nominate and Appoint certain Commissioners for the Purposes herein mentioned. 1793 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years 5 months ago
    An Act to establish a Court of Probate in this Province, and also a Surrogate Court in every District thereof. 1793 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years 5 months ago
    An Act to prevent the further introduction of Slaves, and to limit the Term of contracts for Servitude within this Province. 1793 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years 5 months ago
    An Act to fix the times and places of holding the Courts of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace within the several Districts of this Province. 1793 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years 5 months ago
    An Act to confirm and make valid certain Marriages heretofore contracted in the Country now comprized within the Province of Upper-Canada, and to provide for the future Solemnization of Marriage within the same. 1793 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years 5 months ago
    An Act to regulate the laying out, amending and keeping in repair, the Public Highways and Roads within this Province. 1793 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years 5 months ago
    An Act to Authorize and Direct the Laying and Collecting of Assessment and Rates, in every District within this Province, and to Provide for the Payment of Wages to the Members of the House of Assembly. 1793 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years 5 months ago
    An Act to provide for the Nomination and Appointment of Parish and Team Officers within this Province. 1793 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years 5 months ago
    An Act for the better Regulation of the Militia, in this Province. 1793 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years 5 months ago
    An Act for building a Gaol and Court House in every district throughout this Province, and for altering the names of the said Districts. 1792 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years 5 months ago
    An Act to Regulate the Toll to be taken in Mills. 1792 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years 5 months ago
    An Act for the more easy and Speedy Recovery of small Debts. 1792 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years 5 months ago
    An Act to guard against accidents by Fire in this Province. 1792 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years 5 months ago
    An Act to abolish the Summary Proceedings of the Courts of Common Pleas in actions under Ten Pounds Sterling. 1792 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years 5 months ago
    An Act to establish the Winchester Measure, and a Standard for other Weights and Measures throughout this Province. 1792 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years 5 months ago
    An Act to establish Trials by Jury. 1792 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years 5 months ago
    An Act to repeal certain parts of an Act passed in the Fourteenth Year of his Majesty’s Reign, entitled “An act for making more effectual Provision for the Government of the province of Quebec, in North-America, and to introduce the English Law, as the Rule of Decision in all Matters of Controversy relative to Property and Civil Rights.” 1792 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 9 years 5 months ago
    An Act to repeal the Duties imposed upon articles imported into this Province under the Act of the Imperial Parliament, intituled An Act to regulate the Trade of British Possessions abroad. Passed 14th April 1847. 1847 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 5 months ago
    An Act to authorize the granting of a tract of Land, as a Mill Reserve, to the Honorable John Robertson. Passed 14th April 1847. 1847 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 5 months ago
    An Act to facilitate the making of a Railway across the Isthmus which connects the Provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, to open the communication between the Waters of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and the Bay of Fundy. Passed 14th April 1847. 1847 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 5 months ago