Displaying 7881 - 7900 of 9690 entries
    Title Year Province Added
    An Act to erect part of the Parish of Andover, in the County of Victoria, into separate Parish. Passed 30th March 1852. 1852 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 3 months ago
    An Act to establish the Road leading from the Great Road running from Woodstock to the Grand Falls, at or near John Boyer’s in the Parish of Simonds, County of Carleton, to the American Line on the Big Presqu’ile, as one of the Great Roads of communication. Passed 30th March 1852. 1852 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 3 months ago
    An Act to amend an Act intituled An Act to consolidate and amend the Laws relating to Sick and Disabled Seamen belonging to this Province not being Paupers. Passed 30th March 1852. 1852 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 3 months ago
    An Act to continue an Act to amend an Act intituled An Act to provide for the more summary and punishment of persons committing trespasses upon Square Timber and other Lumber. Passed 30th March 1852. 1852 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 3 months ago
    An Act in amendment of and in addition to the Act relating to the definition of offences and the punishment thereof. Passed 30th March 1852. 1852 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 3 months ago
    An Act for raising, by way of Loan, Funds for the construction of a Great Trunk Line of Railway from Halifax to Quebec. Passed 30th March 1852. 1852 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 3 months ago
    An Act to make provision for the construction of a Great Trunk Line of Railway from Halifax to Quebec. Passed 30th March 1852. 1852 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 3 months ago
    An Act to consolidate and amend the Laws relating to the collection and protection of the Revenue of this Province. Passed 30th March 1852. 1852 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 3 months ago
    An Act to amend an Act intituled An Act to incorporate the Northumberland Straits Fishing Company. Passed 18th February 1852. 1852 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 3 months ago
    An Act to amend the Act to incorporate the Fredericton Gas Light Company. Passed 18th February 1852. 1852 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 3 months ago
    An Act to incorporate the Upham Wool Manufacturing Company. Passed 18th February 1852. 1852 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 3 months ago
    An Act to incorporate Kingston (Kent) Agricultural Society. Passed 18th February 1852. 1852 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 3 months ago
    An Act to incorporate the Victoria County Agricultural Society. Passed 18th February 1852. 1852 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 3 months ago
    An Act to incorporate the Wellington and Dundas, County of Kent, Agricultural Society. Passed 18th February 1852. 1852 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 3 months ago
    An Act to incorporate the Westmorland Agricultural and Emigrant Society. Passed 18th February 1852. 1852 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 3 months ago
    An Act to incorporate the Grand Falls Railway Company. Passed 26th April 1850. 1850 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 3 months ago
    An Act to incorporate the Saint Patrick Central Agricultural Society. Passed 18th February 1852. 1852 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 3 months ago
    An Act to repeal the several Acts providing for the more efficient inspection of Flour and Meal, so far as the same relate to the County of Charlotte. Passed 18th February 1852. 1852 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 3 months ago
    An Act relating to the Public Wharves in the Parish of Portland in the County of Saint John. Passed 18th February 1852. 1852 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 3 months ago
    An Act to erect another Parish in the City of Saint John for Ecclesiastical purposes. Passed 18th February 1852. 1852 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 3 months ago