Displaying 7401 - 7420 of 9690 entries
    Title Year Province Added
    An Act to incorporate the LeTete Mining Company. Passed 9th April 1860. 1860 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 1 month ago
    An Act to incorporate the Westmorland Olive Freestone Company. Passed 9th April 1860. 1860 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 1 month ago
    An Act to incorporate the Westmorland and Albert Mining and Manufacturing Company. Passed 9th April 1860. 1860 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 1 month ago
    An Act to incorporate the Memramcook Freestone Company. Passed 9th April 1860. 1860 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 1 month ago
    An Act to incorporate the Saint John and Albert Mining Company. Passed 9th April 1860. 1860 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 1 month ago
    An Act to incorporate the Gloucester Mining Company. Passed 9th April 1860. 1860 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 1 month ago
    An Act to incorporate the Bathurst Mining Company. Passed 9th April 1860. 1860 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 1 month ago
    An Act to incorporate the New Brunswick Freestone Company. Passed 9th April 1860. 1860 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 1 month ago
    An Act to incorporate the Saint John Iron Works Company. Passed 9th April 1860. 1860 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 1 month ago
    An Act to incorporate the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of New Brunswick in connexion with the Church of Scotland. Passed 9th April 1860. 1860 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 1 month ago
    An Act to alter and amend an Act intituled An Act to incorporate the Saint John Fire Insurance Company. Passed 9th April 1860. 1860 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 1 month ago
    An Act to continue an Act to incorporate the Nashwaak Boom Company, and the several Acts in amendment thereof. Passed 9th April 1860. 1860 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 1 month ago
    An Act to enable the Victoria Coal and Oil Company of the State of New York to hold Property in this Province. Passed 9th April 1860. 1860 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 1 month ago
    An Act to enable the Prince of Wales Coal Company of the County of New York, State of New York, to hold Property in this Province. Passed 9th April 1860. 1860 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 1 month ago
    An Act for the relief of the Reverend James Brown Thornton, Junior. Passed 9th April 1860. 1860 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 1 month ago
    An Act for the relief of the Reverend Hiram Alfred Philbrook. Passed 9th April 1860. 1860 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 1 month ago
    An Act to authorize the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of the Diocese of New Brunswick to sell and dispose of certain Lands in the County of Victoria. Passed 9th April 1860. 1860 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 1 month ago
    An Act to empower the President and Directors of the Public Grammar School in the Town of Saint Andrews, to sell certain Lots of Land in the said Town, and invest the proceeds in landed securities. Passed 9th April 1860. 1860 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 1 month ago
    An Act to continue an Act to provide for the more effectually repairing the Highways, Streets and Sidewalks in the Milltown Highway District, in the Parish of Saint Stephen. Passed 9th April 1860. 1860 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 1 month ago
    An Act to authorize the erection of a Lock-up House in the Parish of Wellington, in the County of Kent. Passed 9th April 1860. 1860 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 9 years 1 month ago