Displaying 6481 - 6500 of 9690 entries
    Title Year Province Added
    An Act for more effectually securing the liberty of the subject by enforcing the execution of writs of Habeas Corpus. Passed 8th March 1836. 1836 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 8 years 11 months ago
    An Act to regulate Pawn Brokers within this Province. Passed 8th March 1836. 1836 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 8 years 11 months ago
    An Act for altering the terms of holding the Court of the Governor and Council for causes of Marriage and Divorce. Passed 8th March 1836. 1836 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 8 years 11 months ago
    An Act to prescribe certain general regulations in respect to Corporations. Passed 8th March 1836. 1836 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 8 years 11 months ago
    An Act to incorporate sundry persons by the name of The President, Directors and Company of the Saint Stephens Bank, in the County of Charlotte. Passed 8th March 1836. 1836 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 8 years 11 months ago
    An Act to incorporate The Saint Andrews and Quebec Rail Road Company. Passed 8th March 1836. 1836 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 8 years 11 months ago
    An Act to authorise certain persons to build a bridge across the Kennebeccasis river in the parishes of Hampton and Kingston, in King’s County. Passed 8th March 1836. 1836 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 8 years 11 months ago
    An Act in amendment of the Act relating to Trespasses. Passed 8th March 1836. 1836 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 8 years 11 months ago
    An Act to provide for the expenses of the Speaker and Members of the House of Assembly. Passed 8th March 1836. 1836 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 8 years 11 months ago
    An Act for the appointment of Firewards in the Parish of Woodstock. Passed 8th March 1836. 1836 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 8 years 11 months ago
    An Act to provide for the erection of fences with gates across highways leading through the sand beaches and marshes in the County of Kent. Passed 8th March 1836. 1836 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 8 years 11 months ago
    An Act to prevent disorderly riding on streets and highways in this Province. Passed 8th March 1836. 1836 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 8 years 11 months ago
    An Act to continue an Act relating to parish schools. Passed 8th March 1836. 1836 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 8 years 11 months ago
    An Act to authorise the trustee and directors of the grammar school in the County of Northumberland to sell and dispose of the school house together with the land thereto attached. Passed 8th March 1836. 1836 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 8 years 11 months ago
    An Act in addition to the Acts regulating the truckage of goods and the measurement of coals and salt. Passed 8th March 1836. 1836 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 8 years 11 months ago
    An Act to regulate the fencing, occupation and grazing of the several marshes, lowlands and meadows in County of Westmorland. Passed 8th March 1836. 1836 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 8 years 11 months ago
    An Act to explain, amend and in addition to an Act, intituled An Act to make more effectual regulations relating to Pilots within this Province. Passed 8th March 1836. 1836 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 8 years 11 months ago
    An Act to make perpetual an Act, intituled An Act to provide for the punishment of cruelty to animals. Passed 8th March 1836. 1836 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 8 years 11 months ago
    An Act relating to Corporations. Passed 8th March 1836. 1836 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 8 years 11 months ago
    An Act to authorise the Magistrates of the County of Charlotte to levy an assessment to pay off the County debt. Passed 8th March 1836. 1836 New Brunswick (1786-1867) 8 years 11 months ago