Displaying 3921 - 3940 of 9690 entries
    Title Year Province Added
    An Act to authorize the Grey Nuns of Montreal to dispose of certain property at Point St. Charles, near the City of Montreal. Assented to 22nd April, 1853. 1852 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 1 month ago
    An Act to incorporate The Canada Military Asylum. Assented to 22nd April, 1853. 1852 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 1 month ago
    An Act to enable the Inhabitants of the Parish of St. François du Lac better to regulate the Common of St. François. Assented to 22nd April, 1853. 1852 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 1 month ago
    An Act to indemnify the Brock Monument Building Committee, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Assented to 22nd April, 1853. 1852 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 1 month ago
    An Act to remove doubts touching the Act incorporating The Burlington Bay Dock and Ship-building Company. Assented to 22nd April, 1853. 1852 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 1 month ago
    An Act to amend the Act of Incorporation of the British North American Electric Telegraph Association. Assented to 22nd April, 1853. 1852 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 1 month ago
    An Act to increase the Capital Stock of The Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge Company. Assented to 22nd April, 1853. 1852 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 1 month ago
    An Act to amend the Charter of The City of Toronto Gas Light and Water Company. Assented to 22nd April, 1853. 1852 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 1 month ago
    An Act to incorporate The Brockville Gas Light Company. Assented to 22nd April, 1853. 1852 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 1 month ago
    An Act to incorporate “The Stanstead, Shefford and Chambly Railroad Company.” Assented to 22nd April, 1853. 1852 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 1 month ago
    An Act to incorporate the Brockville and Ottawa Bail- way Company. Assented to 22nd April, 1853. 1852 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 1 month ago
    An Act to incorporate The Port Whitby and Lake Huron Railway Company. Assented to 22nd April, 1853. 1852 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 1 month ago
    An Act to incorporate The Megantic Junction-Railway and Navigation Company. Assented to 22nd April, 1853. 1852 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 1 month ago
    An Act to incorporate The Montreal and Bytown Railway Company. Assented to 22nd April, 1853. 1852 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 1 month ago
    An Act to incorporate The Hamilton and Port Dover Railway Company. Assented to 22nd April, 1853. 1852 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 1 month ago
    An Act to incorporate the London and Port Sarnia Railway Company. Assented to 22nd April, 1853. 1852 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 1 month ago
    An Act to authorize the formation of a Company to construct a Railroad on the North Shore of the River Saint Lawrence, from the City of Quebec to the City of Montreal, or to some convenient point on any Railway leading from Montreal to the Western Cities of this Province. Assented to 22nd April, 1853. 1852 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 1 month ago
    An Act to increase the Capital S tock of the Great Western Railroad Company, and to alter the name of the said Company. Assented to 22nd April, 1853. 1852 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 1 month ago
    An Act to transfer the place of meeting of the Municipal Council of the Municipality of Drummond, Number Two, to the Village of St. Christophe d’Arthabaska, in the said Municipality. Assented to 22nd April, 1853. 1852 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 1 month ago
    An Act to authorize the Municipal Council of the Town of Amherstburg, to sell the Site of the old Market in that Town. Assented to 22nd April, 1853. 1852 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years 1 month ago