Displaying 3541 - 3560 of 9690 entries
    Title Year Province Added
    An Act to incorporate l’Hospice St. Joseph de la Maternity de Quebec. Assented to 19th May, 1855. 1854 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years ago
    An Act to incorporate the Sisters of St. Joseph for the Diocese of Toronto, in Upper Canada. Assented to 19th May, 1855. 1854 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years ago
    An Act to incorporate the Victoria Hospital. Assented to 19th May, 1855. 1854 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years ago
    An Act to incorporate the Canada Powder Company. Assented to 30th May, 1855. 1854 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years ago
    An Act to incorporate the General Drainage and Land Improvement Company of Upper Canada. Assented to 30th May, 1855. 1854 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years ago
    An Act to incorporate the Montreal Locomotive, Marine and Steam-Forge Works Manufacturing Company. Assented In 19th May, 1855. 1854 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years ago
    An Act to incorporate the Lyn Manufacturing Company. Assented to 19th May, 1855. 1854 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years ago
    An Act to incorporate the Canada Ore Dressing Company. Assented to 10th May, 1855. 1854 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years ago
    An Act to incorporate the Canada Ore Dressing Company. Assented to 10th May, 1855. 1854 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years ago
    An Act to amend the Act incorporating the Metropolitan Gas and Water Company, in the City of Toronto. Assented to 30th May, 1855. 1854 7 years ago
    An Act to amend the Act incorporating the Metropolitan Gas and Water Company, in the City of Toronto. Assented to 30th May, 1855. 1854 7 years ago
    An Act to increase the Capital Stock of the City of Kingston Water Works Company. Assented to 19th May, 1855. 1854 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years ago
    An Act to increase the Capital Stock of the City of Kingston Water Works Company. Assented to 19th May, 1855. 1854 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years ago
    An Act to provide for an increase of the Capital Stock of the Quebec Gas Company. Assented to 19th May, 1855. 1854 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years ago
    An Act to extend the powers of the Consumers’ Gas Company of Toronto. Assented to 19th May, 1855. 1854 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years ago
    An Act to incorporate the St. Lawrence Assurance Company. Assented to 30th May, 1855. 1854 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years ago
    An Act to amend the Act for the Incorporation of the Provincial Insurance Company of Toronto. Assented to 30th May, 1855. 1854 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years ago
    An Act to amend the Act incorporating the Quebec Fire Assurance Company, and to facilitate the management of the business of the said Company. Assented to 30th May, 1855. 1854 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years ago
    An Act to incorporate the Provident Life Assurance and Investment Company. Assented to 19th May, 1855. 1854 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years ago
    An Act to incorporate the Imperial Fire, Marine and Life Insurance Company. Assented to 19th May, 1855. 1854 United Canadas (1841-1857) 7 years ago