Displaying 3121 - 3140 of 9690 entries
    Title Year Province Added
    An Act to attach the new Townships of Galway, Cavendish and Anstruther to the County of Peterborough. Assented to 27th May, 1857. 1857 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to authorize the Assessment and Collection of Taxes in the Township of Gloucester, for the year one thousand eight hundred and fourty-four. (29th March, 1845.) 1845 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to provide for the collection of Arrears of Taxes in the District of Johnstown, and for other purposes. (29th March, 1845.) 1845 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to incorporate the Town of Saint Catharines. (29th March, 1845.) 1845 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to Incorporate the Town of Niagara, and to establish a Police therein. (29th March, 1845.) 1845 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to repeal a certain provision of the Act incorporating the Town of Kingston, and to provide for the Assessment and Collection of the District Taxes in the said Town, by an Assessor and Collector to be appointed by the District Council. (29th March, 1845.) 1845 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act for the protection of persons owning Lands on the Shore of Lake Ontario in the Counties of York, Peel and Halton. Assented to 27th May, 1857. 1857 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act further to amend and extend the Act to establish Mutual Insurance Companies in Upper Canada. Assented to 10th June, 1857. 1857 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to provide for ascertaining unknown Boundaries in all cases in which the Concession Lines were not run in the original survey. Assented to 10th June, 1857. 1857 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to make valid the Deeds given by Sheriffs to the Assignees of Purchasers of Land sold for Taxes under thirteenth and fourteenth Victoria, chapter sixty-seven. Assented to 10th June, 1857. 1857 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to explain and amend the Clergy Reserves Appropriation Amendment Act of 1856, as regards the mode of ascertaining the number of Rate-payers-in the several Municipalities in Upper Canada. Assented to 10th June, 1857. 1857 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to amend the Law relative to the Inspectors of Houses of Public Entertainment. Assented to 10th June, 1857. 1857 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to provide for the disposal of Road Allowances in the Rural Municipalities of Upper Canada. Assented to 10th June, 1857. 1857 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to enable Counties united for Municipal purposes to carry on improvements independently of each other. Assented to 10th June, 1857. 1857 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to amend the Municipal Laws of Upper Canada relating to the incorporation of Villages. Assented to 10th June, 1857. 1857 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to amend the Laws relating to the solemnization of Matrimony in Upper Canada. Assented to 10th June, 1857. 1857 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to amend the Act to abolish the rights of Primogeniture, and to afford relief to parties succeeding to the real estate of persons dying intestate, in certain cases in Upper Canada. Assented to 10th June, 1857. 1857 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act further to provide for the accommodation of the Courts of Superior Jurisdiction in Upper Canada, and for that purpose to amend, extend and continue two certain Acts therein mentioned. Assented to 10th June, 1857. 1857 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to amend the Law for the admission of Attornies. Assented to 10th June, 1857. 1857 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to prevent delay in the administration of Justice in cases of Misdemeanor in Upper Canada. Assented to 10th June, 1857. 1857 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago