Displaying 2961 - 2980 of 9690 entries
    Title Year Province Added
    An Act to amend the Act for purchasing the Stock in the Welland Canal held by private Shareholders. (29th March, 1845.) 1845 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act for granting a sum of Money for the Salary of the Speaker of the Legislative Council. (29th March, 1845.) 1845 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to provide for the payment of Claims arising out of the Rebellion and Invasion in Upper Canada, and to appropriate the duties on Tavern Licenses to Local purposes. (29th March, 1845.) 1845 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to authorize the charge of a certain sum of money therein mentioned, advanced from the Treasury of the Province by the Executive Government thereof, without the authority of the Provincial Parliament, for defraying, during a period therein specified, certain necessary and indispensable expenses of the Civil Government of the Province and Public Works therein, upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund thereof and of indemnity therefor to all concerned. (29th March, 1845.) 1845 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to authorize certain sums of Money therein mentioned advanced and applied towards defraying certain necessary and indispensable expenses of the Government for the years one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, and one thousand eight hundred and forty-four, not otherwise provided for, to be charged upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund of the Province. (29th March, 1845.) 1845 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to make provision for defraying certain expenses of the Civil Government of this Province, for the year one thousand eight hundred and forty five. (29th March, 1845.) 1845 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to make provision for defraying certain expenses of the Civil Government of this Province, for the year one thousand eight hundred and forty five. (29th March, 1845.) 1845 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to provide for the distribution of the Printed Copies of the Laws. (29th March, 1845.) 1845 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to render permanent two certain Acts therein mentioned incorporating the Boards of Trade of Montreal and Quebec. (29th March, 1845.) 1845 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to provide more effectually for the construction of Aprons to Mill-dams or Streams, in the District of Huron. (29th March, 1845.) 1845 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to incorporate the International Bridge Company. 1857 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to extend to the Province of Canada Letters Patent granted to Henry Bessemer for certain im-provements invented or discovered by him, in the manufacture of Malleable or Bar Iron and Steel. Assented to 10th June, 1857. 1857 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to enable the surviving Executor of the late John McIntosh, Esquire, to lease certain real property in Toronto. Assented to 10th June, 1857. 1857 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to vest certain real estate of the late Thomas Benson in the hands of Trustees. Assented to 10th June, 1857. 1857 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to enable the Trustees of the Toronto General Hospital, to raise a further loan of money. Assented to 10th June, 1857. 1857 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to enable the Trustees of a certain School Lot in the Town of Prescott to sell the said Lot, and for other purposes. Assented to 10th June, 1857. 1857 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to enable the Incumbent and Churchwardens of the Mission of the Church of England at Georgina to dispose of certain lands belonging to the said Mission. Assented to 10th June, 1857. 1857 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to enable the Trustees of the First Free Will Baptist Church in Hatley, to receive a legacy bequeathed to the said Church. Assented to 10th June, 1857. 1857 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to constitute the Hector and Churchwardens of the Parish of Quebec, a Corporation for the management of the Finlay Asylum at Quebec. Assented to 10th June, 1857. 1857 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago
    An Act to amend the Act of Upper Canada, enabling the Presbyterian Congregation of York to purchase ground for a Church and Burying-ground. Assented to 10th June, 1857. 1857 United Canadas (1841-1857) 6 years 10 months ago