Displaying 2801 - 2820 of 9690 entries
    Title Year Province Added
    An Act to Suspend an Act passed in the Eighth Year of the Reign of Her present Majesty, entitled “An Act to Regulate the Making and Repairing of Roads, Streets and Bridges within this Colony” and to provide for the appropriation of Monies granted for such purposes. (Passed 23d April, 1849.) 1849 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 7 years ago
    An Act to extend the practice of Vaccination to the Outports of this Colony. (Passed 23d April, 1849.) 1849 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 7 years ago
    An Act to amend an Act passed in the Ninth and Tenth years of the Reign of Her present Majesty, entitled “ An Act to regulate the Rebuilding of the Town of St. John's, and the Drainage and Sewerage of the same, and to repeal certain Acts therein mentioned and also an Act passed in the Tenth year of the Reign of Her Majesty, entitled “An Act to amend an Act passed in the Ninth and Tenth years of the Reign of Her present Majesty, entitled ‘An Act to regulate the Rebuilding of the Town of St. John's, and the Drainage and Sewerage of the same, and to repeal certain Acts therein mentioned.’” (Passed 23d April, 1849.) 1849 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 7 years ago
    An Act to enable the Members of the Independent or Congregational Church to Recite certain Trusts, and for other purposes. (Passed 23d April, 1849.) 1849 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 7 years ago
    An Act to prohibit Interments within the Town of St. John's. (Passed 23d April, 1849.) 1849 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 7 years ago
    An Act to dispense with the present mode of Registering Crown Grants, and to render valid certain Grants heretofore issued. (Passed 23rd April, 1849.) 1849 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 7 years ago
    An Act to amend the Law of Attachment in this Colony and to regulate the Fees in certain cases payable thereon. (Passed 23d April, 1849.) 1849 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 7 years ago
    An Act for the Limitation of Personal Actions at Law, and for rendering a Written Memorandum necessary to the validity of certain Promises and Engagements. (Passed 23d April, 1849.) 1849 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 7 years ago
    An Act for facilitating Proceedings in cases of Distress and Replevin. (Passed 23d April, 1849.) 1849 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 7 years ago
    An Act for the further amendment of the Law, and the better advancement of Justice. (Passed 23d April, 1849.) 1849 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 7 years ago
    An Act to Repeal in part an Act passed in the Eighth Year of the Reign of Her Present Majesty, entitled “An Act to Continue and Amend an Act passed in the Fourth Year of the Reign of Her Present Majesty, entitled ‘An Act to Regulate the Packing and Inspection of Pickled Fish for Exportation from this Colony.’” (Passed 23d April, 1849.) 1849 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 7 years ago
    An Act to Continue and Amend an Act passed in the Third Year of the Reign of Her Present Majesty, entitled “An Act to Amend several Acts now in force respecting Light Houses, and to make further provision for the said Light Houses, and to Consolidate the Laws respecting the same.” (Passed 23d April, 1849.) 1849 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 7 years ago
    An Act to Regulate the Importation of Books into this Colony, and to Protect the British Author. (Passed 23d April, 1849.) 1849 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 7 years ago
    An Act to provide for the Regulation, Management, and Collection, of all Duties Granted to Her Majesty, Her Heirs, or Successors, on Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, imported into this Island and its Dependencies. (Passed 23d April, 1849.) 1849 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 7 years ago
    An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain Duties on Goods, Wares and Merchandise, imported into this Colony and its Dependencies. (Passed 23d April, 1849.) 1849 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 7 years ago
    An Act to Repeal certain Duties of Customs. (Passed 23d April, 1849.) 1849 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 7 years ago
    An Act to continue an Act passed in the Ninth Year of the Reign of Her present Majesty, entitled “An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain Duties on Goods, Wares and Merchandise, imported into this Colony and its Dependencies.” (Passed 22d December, 1848.) 1849 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 7 years ago
    An Act to provide for the Contingent Expenses of the Legislature. (Passed 14th January, 1847.) 1847 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 7 years ago
    An Act for granting to Her Majesty a Sum of Money for defraying the Expenses of the Civil Government of the Colony for the year ending on the Thirtieth day of June, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty-eight, and for other purposes. 1847 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 7 years ago
    An Act to repeal an Act panned in the Ninth and Tenth years of the Reign of Her present Majesty, entitled “An Act to make further provision for securing the due payment of the interest that shall become due and payable upon a certain Loan to be raised under authority of an Act passed in this present Session, entitled ‘An Act to raise by Loan a Sum of Money for the Re-building and improvement of the Town of St. John’s.’” (Passed 14th January, 1847.) 1847 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 7 years ago