Displaying 2521 - 2540 of 9690 entries
    Title Year Province Added
    An Act to amend an Act passed in the Twenty-seventh year of the Reign of Her present Majesty, entitled “An Act to amend and consolidate the Laws of the Customs.” (Passed 1st May, 1866.) 1866 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 6 years 2 months ago
    An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain Duties on Goods, Wares and Merchandize, imported into this Colony and its Dependencies. (Passed 23rd March, 1866.) 1866 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 6 years 2 months ago
    An Act to provide for the Contingent Expenses of the Legislature. (Passed 7th April, 1865.) 1865 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 6 years 2 months ago
    An Act for Granting to Her Majesty a sum of Money for defraying the Expenses of the Civil Government of this Colony, for the Year ending the Thirty-first day of December, one Thousand, Eight Hundred and Sixty-five, and for other purposes. (Passed 7th April, 1865.) 1865 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 6 years 2 months ago
    An Act to Indemnify His Excellency the Governor of Newfoundland for certain sums of Money advanced by him from the Colonial Treasury, for the service of the Colony. (Passed 7th April, 1865.) 1865 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 6 years 2 months ago
    An Act to authorize the Consolidation of part of the Public Debt of this Colony. (Passed 7th April, 1865.) 1865 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 6 years 2 months ago
    An Act to provide for the Retirement of the present Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland. (Passed 7th April, 1865.) 1865 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 6 years 2 months ago
    An Act to provide for the Road Service of the Colony for the year 1865. (Passed 7th April, 1865.) 1865 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 6 years 2 months ago
    An Act to regulate the making and repairing of Roads, Streets, and Bridges, within this Colony. (Passed 7th April, 1865.) 1865 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 6 years 2 months ago
    An Act for the erection of a Light House in the District of Burgeo and LaPoile, on the Coast of this Island. (Passed 7th April, 1865.) 1865 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 6 years 2 months ago
    An Act to provide for the erection of Bridges across Colinet River and Rocky River, on the main line of Road from St. John's to Placentia. (Passed 7th April, 1865.) 1865 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 6 years 2 months ago
    An Act to enable Courts of Law to give relief against Adverse Claims made upon persons having no interest in the subject of such Claims. (Passed 7th April, 1865.) 1865 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 6 years 2 months ago
    An Act to amend an Act passed in the Twenty-seventh Year of the Reign Of Her present Majesty, entitled “An Act to Improve and Simplify the Practice of the Common Law side of the Supreme mid Central Circuit Courts, and to Consolidate the Laws relating to the same.” (Passed 7th April, 1865.) 1865 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 6 years 2 months ago
    An Act to make provision for the Recovery of Penalties becoming due upon the Forfeiture of certain Recognizances. (Passed 7th April, 1865.) 1865 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 6 years 2 months ago
    An Act to continue the Punishment of Banishment in certain cases. (Passed 7th April, 1865.) 1865 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 6 years 2 months ago
    An Act to continue an Act passed in the Twenty-seventh Year of the Reign of Her present Majesty, entitled “An Act for establishing the Standard Weight of Grain and Pulse, and to Regulate the Sale of Bread, Coals, and other Articles” (Passed 7th April, 1865.) 1865 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 6 years 2 months ago
    An Act to make further provision against the Destruction of Sheep and Cattle, and injuries to the Person, by Dogs. (Passed 7th April, 1865.) 1865 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 6 years 2 months ago
    An Act to make provision for Wives and Children Deserted by their Husbands and Parents, and for Aged Persons Deserted by their Children. (Passed 7th April, 1865.) 1865 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 6 years 2 months ago
    An Act to provide for the Registration of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, in this Colony and its Dependencies. (Passed 7th April, 1865.) 1865 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 6 years 2 months ago
    An Act to continue an Act passed in the Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth years of the Reign of Her present Majesty, entitled “An Act to provide for the Organization of a Volunteer Force for the Protection of Newfoundland” (Passed 7th April, 1865.) 1865 Newfoundland (1833-1867) 6 years 2 months ago