Displaying 2361 - 2380 of 9690 entries
    Title Year Province Added
    An Act further to continue, for a limited time, An Act passed in the forty second year of His Majesty's reign, intituled, “An Act to empower the Justices of the Peace to make, for a limited time, rules and regulations for the government of Apprentices and others.” (16th April, 1807.) 1807 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 8 months ago
    An Act to continue for a limited time, An Act passed in the forty-second year of His Majesty’s reign, intituled, “An Act to provide for the more effectual regulation of the Police within the Cities of Quebec and Montreal and Town of Three-Rivers; also, for extending regulation of Police to other Towns and Villages in certain cases, and for repealing the Acts or Ordinances therein mentioned.” (16th April, 1807.) 1807 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 8 months ago
    An act further to continue, for a limited time, An Act passed in the forty-third year of His Majesty’s reign, intituled, “An Act for the better preservation of His Majesty’s Government as by Law happily established in this Province.” (16th April, 1807.) 1807 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 8 months ago
    An Act further to continue, for a limited time An Act passed in the thirty-sixth year of His Majesty’s reign, intituled, “An Act for making a temporary provision for the regulation of trade between this Province and the United-States of America by land or inland navigation." (16th April, 1807.) 1807 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 8 months ago
    An Act to grant to the Ladies of the Order of Charity of the City of Montreal, a Sum of Money, for the purposes therein mentioned. (17th March, 1814.) 1814 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 8 months ago
    An Act to grant a further Sum of Money, for the more effectual attainment of the purposes of the Act of the Fifty-first year of His Majesty’s Reign, which provides for the Relief of Insane Persons and the support of Foundlings, and others therein mentioned. (17th March, 1814.) 1814 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 8 months ago
    An Act for applying a further Sum of Money, towards the erecting a Common Gaol, with a Court Hall, at New-Carlisle in the inferior District of Gaspé. (17th March, 1814) 1814 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 8 months ago
    An Act to exempt Salt imported for the use of the Fisheries in this Province, from the payment of certain duties imposed thereon, and for other purposes. (17th March, 1814.) 1814 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 8 months ago
    An Act to establish Post-Houses in the different parts of this Province. (17th March, 1814.) 1814 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 8 months ago
    An Act further to continue, for a limited time, an Act passed in the Forty-fifth Year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act to ratify and confirm the Provisional Articles of Agreement entered into by the respective Commissioners of this Province and of Upper Canada, at Montreal, on the fifth day of July, One thousand eight hundred and four, relative to Duties and for carrying the same into effect,” And also, further to continue an Act passed in the Thirty-seventh Year of His Majesty’s Reign. (17th March, 1814.) 1814 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 8 months ago
    An Act further to continue, for a limited time, two several Acts therein mentioned to provide Temporary Houses of Correction in the several Districts of this Province. (17th March, 1814.) 1814 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 8 months ago
    An Act to continue two several Acts therein mentioned for regulating the Fisheries in the inferior District of Gaspé. (17th March, 1814.) 1814 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 8 months ago
    An Act further to extend the Provisions of two several Acts therein mentioned, for facilitating the circulation of Army Bills. (17th March, 1814.) 1814 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 8 months ago
    An Act further to continue for a limited time an Act passed in the fifty-first year of His Majesty's Reign, intituled, “An Act for establishing Regulations respecting Aliens and certain Subjects of His Majesty who have resided in France, coming into this Province or residing therein.” (17th March, 1814.) 1814 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 8 months ago
    An Act further to continue for a limited time an Act passed in the forty-eighth year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled “An Act to regulate the Trial of Controverted Elections or Returns of Members to serve in the House of Assembly of Lower Canada.” (17th March, 1814.) 1814 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 8 months ago
    An Act to grant certain duties to His Majesty, towards supplying the wants of the Province, during the present War with the United States of America, and for other purposes. 1813 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 8 months ago
    An Act to authorise François Frichette, to build a Bridge over the River du Sud, in the County of Devon, to fix the Rates of Toll For passing thereon, and to provide Regulations for the said Bridge. (15th February, 1813.) 1813 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 8 months ago
    An Act further to continue for a limited time certain parts of an act passed in the Forty-second year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act to provide for the more effectual regulation of the Police within the Cities of Quebec and Montreal and the Town of Three Rivers, also for extending regulations of Police to other Towns and Villages in certain cases, and for repealing the Acts or Ordinances therein mentioned,” (15th February, 1813.) 1813 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 8 months ago
    An Act further to continue for a limited time the powers granted to certain commissioners by an act, intituled, “An Act for removing the Old Walls and Fortifications that surround the City of Montreal and otherwise to provide for the salubrity, convenience and embellishment of the said City;” as also to continue for a limited time the extension of the said powers in certain cases. (15th February, 1813.) 1813 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 8 months ago
    An Act to continue for a limited time an act passed in the fifty-first year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act for the relief of insane Persons and for the support of Foundlings, and others therein mentioned.” (15th February, 1813.) 1813 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 8 months ago