Displaying 1731 - 1740 of 1978 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to afford relief to Insolvent Debtors. (17th March, 1845.) 8 Victoria Chapter 17 1845 This act makes provisions for debtors to help them avoid jail, in the former Lower Canada. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to make provision for a Geological Survey of this Province. (17th March, 1845.) 8 Victoria Chapter 16 1845 This act grants funds to permit geological surveys to be done in the province, to determine its mineral resources. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to extend the provisions of two certain Acts of the Parliament of the Province of Upper Canada, to other Denominations of Christians than those therein enumerated. (17th March, 1845.) 8 Victoria Chapter 15 1845 This act clarifies how religious societies are to proceed in purchasing land in the part of United Canada formerly known as Upper Canada. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to make further Regulation for holding the Courts of Assize and Nisi Prius, Oyer and Terminer, and General Gaol Delivery in Upper Canada, and to provide for the Trial of Prisoners under certain circumstances. (17th March, 1845.) 8 Victoria Chapter 14 1845 This act deals with the holding of certain criminal courts in the part of United Canada formerly known as Upper Canada. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend, consolidate, and reduce into one Act, the several Laws now in force, establishing or regulating the practice of District Courts in the several Districts of that part of this Province formerly Upper Canada. (17th March, 1845.) 8 Victoria Chapter 13 1845 This act consolidates several past acts relative to the courts of Upper Canada into one act. It deals with the functions of various district courts, fees to be paid to various officials, the appointment of judges, and other court related matters. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the relief of Shipwrecked and destitute Mariners, in certain cases therein mentioned. (10th February, 1845.) 8 Victoria Chapter 12 1845 This act provides for the welfare and health of mariners who have been stranded in the province for various reasons. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to abolish the Office of Surveyor General, and to provide for the performance of the duties of that Office by the Commissioner of Crown Lands. (17th March, 1845.) 8 Victoria Chapter 11 1845 This act replaces the office of surveyor general with the commissioner of crown lands. The commissioner will undertake all the functions of the former surveyor general. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to repeal that portion of the Act therein mentioned which prevents Members of the Clergy from voting at Elections of Members to serve in the Legislative Assembly of this Province. (17th March, 1845.) 8 Victoria Chapter 10 1845 This act repeals an act passed in the prior session of the legislative assembly, disenfranchising members of the clergy from the right to vote. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to indemnify Clergymen and others who have voted at the last General Election in ignorance of the Law. (10th February, 1845.) 8 Victoria Chapter 9 1845 Because of the lack of general publication of an act passed in the prior year regarding the rights of the clergy to vote and run for election led to various clergymen having voted against the law, this act secures these clergymen against legal penalties as they were not priorly informed of said act before the last election. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to repeal certain Acts therein mentioned, and to make better provision for the relief of parties claiming lands in Upper Canada for which no Patent hath issued, as representing the original Nominees of the Crown. (10th February, 1845.) 8 Victoria Chapter 8 1845 This act repeals certain past acts and enacts new ones in an effort to clarify land claims in the province formerly known as Upper Canada. Early Canadiana Online