Displaying 831 - 840 of 3146 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to continue an Act to provide for the more effectually repairing the Streets and Bridges in the Town of Saint Andrews. Passed 12th April 1855. 18 Victoria – Chapter 42 1855 This Act extends the deadline imposed by a previous act concerning the repair of streets in Saint Andrews. LLMC Digital Law Library
An Act to continue and amend an Act to regulate Dockage, Wharfage, and Cranage in the City of Saint John and in the Parish of Portland. Passed 12th April 1855. 18 Victoria – Chapter 41 1855 This Act extends deadlines, raises funds, and repeals previous acts concerning docks in Saint John. LLMC Digital Law Library
An Act to establish a Board of Health in the City and County of Saint John. Passed 12th April 1855. 18 Victoria – Chapter 40 1855 This Act establishes a Board of Health in Saint John, including the appointment of clerks and chairmen, as well as their rights and responsibilities. LLMC Digital Law Library
An Act to regulate the Navigation of the River Saint John at or near Indian Town, in the County of Saint John. Passed 12th April 1855. 18 Victoria – Chapter 39 1855 This Act details the regulations for navigation on the Saint John river, including the appointment of a harbour master and the compensation. LLMC Digital Law Library
An Act to provide for an improved system of Sewerage and Water suppply of part of the City of Saint John, and Parish of Portland in the County of Saint John. Passed 12th April 1855. 18 Victoria – Chapter 38 1855 This Act provides for the improvement of the sewer system in Saint John, including the officials appointed and funds devoted. LLMC Digital Law Library
An Act to regulate the Election of Members to serve in the General Assembly. Passed 12th April 1855. 18 Victoria – Chapter 37 1855 This Act details the regulations concerning the elections of General Assembly members, including who is eligible, how they are elected, and when polls shall be held. LLMC Digital Law Library
An Act to prevent the Importation, Manufacture, and Traffic in Intoxicating Liquors. Passed 12th April 1855. 18 Victoria – Chapter 36 1855 This Act details the regulations concerning the importation, manufacturing, and trafficking of alcohol, as well as the penalties for not abiding by these rules. LLMC Digital Law Library
An Act in addition to Title Eight, of the Revised Statutes, Chapter Fifty nine, “Of preventing Fires.” Passed 12th April 1855. 18 Victoria – Chapter 35 1855 This Act details the powers given to the fire departments to prevent fires, excluding Fredericton. LLMC Digital Law Library
An Act to continue and amend Chapter Ten, of the Revised Statutes, “Of the granting of Mill Reserves in certain cases.” Passed 12th April 1855. 18 Victoria – Chapter 34 1855 This Act extends the deadline of a previous act concerning the granting of Mill Reserves. LLMC Digital Law Library
An Act to amend an Act intituled An Act for the encouragement of Agriculture. Passed 12th April 1855. 18 Victoria – Chapter 33 1855 This Act alters the sums devoted to salaries of the agricultural society and repeals parts of an act inconsistent with that. LLMC Digital Law Library