Displaying 331 - 340 of 3146 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to incorporate the North West Boom Company. Passed 23rd April 1862. 25 Victoria – Chapter 64 1862 This Act incorporates the North West Boom Company, detailing the value of shares, regulations of booms, and management of stockholders. "Acts of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1862. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1862."
An Act to establish additional Polling places in the County of York. Passed 23rd April 1862. 25 Victoria – Chapter 63 1862 This Act establishes additional polling places in New Maryland, Dumfries, Canterbury, and Southampton. "Acts of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1862. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1862."
An Act relating to the Polling places in the Parishes of West Isles and Campo Bello, in the County of Charlotte. Passed 23rd April 1862. 25 Victoria – Chapter 62 1862 This Act establishes polling places in West Isles and Campobello. "Acts of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1862. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1862."
An Act relating to the Polling place in the Parish of Maugerville, in the County of Sunbury. Passed 23rd April 1862. 25 Victoria – Chapter 61 1862 This Act details the location of the polling place in Maugerville, in reference to previous acts. "Acts of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1862. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1862."
An Act to change the Polling place in the Parish of Saint Leonard, in the County of Victoria. Passed 23rd April 1862. 25 Victoria – Chapter 60 1862 This Act relocates the polling place in Saint Leonard. "Acts of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1862. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1862."
An Act to establish an additional Polling place in the Parish of Grand Manan, in the County of Charlotte. Passed 23rd April 1862. 25 Victoria – Chapter 59 1862 This Act establishes an additional polling place in Grand Manan. "Acts of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1862. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1862."
An Act to change the present Polling place in the Parish of Cambridge, in Queen’s County, and to establish another Polling place in said Parish in lieu thereof. Passed 23rd April 1862. 25 Victoria – Chapter 58 1862 This Act changes the location of the polling place in Cambridge. "Acts of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1862. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1862."
An Act to explain an Act intituled An Act to authorize and empower the Justices of the Peace in and for King's County to sell and convey certain School Lands in the Parish of Springfield, and invest the proceeds in other lands or other valuable securities more advantageous to the inhabitants of the said Parish. Passed 23rd April 1862. 25 Victoria – Chapter 57 1862 This Act further clarifies a previous act concerning the sale of school lands, explaining that the private rights will not be affected. "Acts of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1862. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1862."
An Act to authorize the Justices of the Peace for the County of Northumberland to make rules and regulations for the protection and management of Booms for Lumber. Passed 23rd April 1862. 25 Victoria – Chapter 56 1862 This Act authorizes the Justices of the Peace to regulate rates and tolls, rules, and the penalty for violating said rules. "Acts of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1862. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1862."
An Act for establishing and maintaining a Police Force in the Town of Newcastle, in the County of Northumberland. Passed 23rd April 1862. 25 Victoria – Chapter 55 1862 This Act creates a police force, appointing officers, authorizing further powers, and providing funding. "Acts of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1862. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1862."