Displaying 241 - 250 of 3146 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to amend the Act to incorporate certain Bodies connected with the Free Baptist Church in New Brunswick. Passed 11th April, 1864. 27 Victoria – Chapter 29 1864 This Act empowers the Baptist church in New Brunswick to hold and convey real estate. Acts of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1864. Fredericton: G. E. Fenety, 1864.
An Act to enable the Rector, Church Wardens and Vestry of Christ Church, in the Parish of Woodstock, to convey certain Lands in the County of York. Passed 11th April, 1864. 27 Victoria – Chapter 28 1864 This Act empowers the Christ Church officials to control lands and their conveyance. Acts of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1864. Fredericton: G. E. Fenety, 1864.
An Act to define the Boundaries between the Counties of Carleton and Victoria. Passed 11th April, 1864. 27 Victoria – Chapter 27 1864 This Act redefines the boundaries between counties. Acts of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1864. Fredericton: G. E. Fenety, 1864.
An Act to authorize and empower the Trustees of Schools of the Parish of Newcastle, in the County of Northumberland, for the time being, to sell and convey a certain piece of Land in the said Parish, and dispose of the proceeds thereof, and for other purposes. Passed 11th April, 1864. 27 Victoria – Chapter 26 1864 This Act empowers the Trustees Newcastle schools to sell parish lands and use the funds for educational improvement. Acts of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1864. Fredericton: G. E. Fenety, 1864.
An Act relating to Grimross Neck, in Queen’s County. Passed 11th April, 1864. 27 Victoria – Chapter 25 1864 This Act states that a new island formed by the Grimross Neck Canal shall be called "Mount Island" and will be subject to the regulations among proprietors of islands. Acts of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1864. Fredericton: G. E. Fenety, 1864.
An Act to provide for the erection and maintenance of a Poor House and Alms House in the Parish of Saint George, in the County of Charlotte. Passed 11th April, 1864. 27 Victoria – Chapter 23 1864 This Act provides for the erection, maintenance, and management of a poor house in Charlotte. Acts of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1864. Fredericton: G. E. Fenety, 1864.
An Act to provide for more effectually repairing the Streets, Bridges and Sidewalks in the lower Highway District in the Parish of Saint Stephen. Passed 11th April, 1864. 27 Victoria – Chapter 22 1864 This Act provides for the repairing of streets, including the cost of labour and the requisition of the necessary funds. Acts of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1864. Fredericton: G. E. Fenety, 1864.
An Act to authorize the County of York to assess for Agricultural purposes. Passed 11th April, 1864. 27 Victoria – Chapter 21 1864 This Act provides for the erection of a Exhibition Building. Acts of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1864. Fredericton: G. E. Fenety, 1864.
An Act to provide for the drainage and protection of the different Marsh Lands in the Parish of Lancaster, in the County of Saint John. Passed 11th April, 1864. 27 Victoria – Chapter 20 1864 This Act provides for the protection of Marsh Lands, including the appointment of Commissioners and their duties and responsibilities. Acts of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1864. Fredericton: G. E. Fenety, 1864.
An Act to amend an Act to provide for the erection of a City Hall in the City of Saint John. Passed 11th April, 1864. 27 Victoria – Chapter 19 1864 This Act provides for the erection of a City Hall, including the borrowing of funds and how they are to be repaid. Acts of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1864. Fredericton: G. E. Fenety, 1864.