Displaying 4301 - 4320 of 4386 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act for the better regulating the Militia, on actual Service in Time of War. 2 George III – Chapter 7 1762 This Act implements several regulations for the militia for preventing mutiny, desertion and contempt. Penalties for officers or soldiers who fail to obey orders or perform their duties, and for those who desert, are outlined. Restrictions on where trials can take place and how are put in place. Rates of pay for militia companies ordered to march from one part of the Province to another are outlined. National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Act in Addition to an Act, intitled, “An Act for establishing an regulating a Militia.” 2 George III – Chapter 6 1762 This Act expands on a former Act, “An Act for establishing an regulating a Militia.” Under this Act, any person nominated and appointed to serve as a serjeant or corporal who refuses to serve is subject to a forty shillings fine. This Act also sets penalties for serjeants and corporals found drunk on duty. The Act also describes how companies are to be exercised in motions, use of arms, and shooting. National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Act to prevent the Firing of Squibs, Rockets, Serpents or other Fireworks. 2 George III – Chapter 4 1762 This Act prohibits the making, sale, and firing of squibs, rockets, serpents, or other fireworks and makes it so offences are to be judged as a common nuisance. Penalties for those who offend against this Act are described. This Act also prohibits bonfires within three hundred yards of any buildings, stacks of hay, or corn. National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Act for Preventing fraudulent Dealings in the Trade with the Indians. 2 George III – Chapter 3 1762 This Act directs that persons accused of having wronged or cheated Indigenous traders are to be prosecuted in before His Majesty's Justices or in a Court of Record. National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Act to enable the Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, or Commander in Chief, to borrow the sum of Four Thousand Five Hundred Pounds for paying off the Public Debts, and to postpone the Payment of Bounties and Premiums. 2 George III – Chapter 2 1762 This Act provides a sum not exceeding four thousand five hundred pounds to pay off several accounts for public works carried on in previous years. This sum is to be repaid to the treasurer from the duties collected on beer, wine, rum, and other spirituous liquors. This Act also suspends bounties and premiums on fish, hay, oats, stone walls, hemp and flax for one year. National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Act for the Regulating Innholders, Tavernkeepers, and Retailers of Spirituous Liquors. 2 George III – Chapter 1 1762 This Act limits the amount tavernkeepers can put on someone's tab and makes provision for patrons to recover their loss if a tavernkeeper refuses to return a pawn or pledge left for security. National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Act for suppressing unlicensed Houses, and for granting to His Majesty a Duty on Persons hereafter to be Licensed. 1 George III – Chapter 19 1761 This Act sets penalties for persons found to unlawfully sell liquor in the Province. Monies collected under this Act are to be split between the informer and Treasurer of the Province. This Act is to remain in force for one year. National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Act for altering and amending an Act intitled, An Act for laying a Duty of Excise of Three Pence per Gallon on all Rum, and other Spirituous Liquors distilled within this Province, and for granting a Bounty on the Exportation thereof. 1 George III – Chapter 18 1761 This Act amends the 1759 Act, "An Act for laying a Duty of Excise of Three Pence per Gallon on all Rum, and other Spirituous Liquors distilled within this Province, and for granting a Bounty on the Exportation thereof," to lay a duty of one shilling per gallon and describes how distillers are to be held to account. This Act is to remain in force until January 1764 and an additional seven years from then. National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Act for altering and amending several Acts of this Province, relating to the Duties on Wines, Beer, Rum, or other distilled Spirituous Liquors, and for granting a Bounty, and allowing a Drawback on the same. 1 George III – Chapter 17 1761 This Act makes provision for the collection of duties on wine, rum, beer, and other spirituous liquors in the Province and lists penalties for those who evade these duties. The rate of duties are listed. This Act is to remain in force until seven years after January 1764. National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Act in Amendment of, Addition to, and for further prolonging an Act, intitled “An Act for granting and establishing an Allowance to the Collector or Collectors of the Impost and Excise Duties.” 1 George III – Chapter 16 1761 This Act continues the Act, “An Act for granting and establishing an Allowance to the Collector or Collectors of the Impost and Excise Duties,” which is to remain in force for an addition year, makes amendments relating to allowable allowances, and allows for additional collectors to be appointed at harbours or ports. National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Act for the Repairing and mending Highways, Roads, Bridges, and Streets, and for appointing Surveyors of Highways, within the several Townships in this Province. 1 George III – Chapter 14 1761 Under this Act, every person keeping a cart, team, or truck is required to lend the same and an able man to drive it as described to work on the highways, roads, streets, or bridges for four days each year. The processes by which this is to be carried out are described. National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Act in Addition to an Act intitled, An Act in Addition to an Act intitled, An Act for preventing Trespasses. 1 George III – Chapter 10 1761 This Act sets a penalty not exceeding forty pounds for trespasses by horses, swine, sheep, goats and neat cattle as described under the 1759 Act, "An Act in Addition to an Act intitled, An Act for preventing Trespasses."
National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Act for the Appointment of Sworn Gaugers, ascertaining their Duty, granting them an Allowance, and establishing their Fees. 1 George III – Chapter 9 1761 This Act sets the rate of fees gaugers are permitted to demand on goods gauged at the port of Halifax and the allowances they are permitted to take from the fees, not exceeding twenty-five pounds per annum. National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Act to enable Creditors to receive their just Debts, out of the Effects of their absent or absconding Debtors. 1 George III – Chapter 8 1761 This Act outlines how creditors can claim debts owing to them from absent persons and provides the processes by which debtors who abscond out of the Province to account if they cannot repay the amount owed. National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Act for the Amendment of an Act intitled, “An Act concerning Marriages and Divorce, and for punishing Incest and Adultery, and declaring Polygamy to be Felony.” 1 George III – Chapter 7 1761 This Act amends the 1758 Act “An Act concerning Marriages and Divorce, and for punishing Incest and Adultery, and declaring Polygamy to be Felony,” to amend a certain clause found inconsistent with the laws of England. National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Act to prevent the spreading of contagious Distempers. 1 George III – Chapter 6 1761 Under this Act, every vessel coming into the port of Halifax with any persons suffering of infectious diseases is required anchor at least two miles below the town and give notice within twenty-four hours of their arrival and from there follow direction both for performing quarantine and removing the sick from the vessel. National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Act for preventing Damages by unseasonable burning, or firing of the Woods. 1 George III – Chapter 5 1761 This Act provides for the Grant Juries at the next Quarter Sessions to settle regulations relating to the burning of woods and underbrush, and penalties not exceeding five pounds for the same. National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Act for the registring of Marriages, Births and Deaths. 1 George III – Chapter 4 1761 Under this Act, the proprietors clerks are required to record all marriages, births, and deaths, and are permitted to demand a fee of six pence for each registry entered and one shilling for every certificate of marriage, birth, or death he gives. National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Act in further Amendment of an Act, intitled, “An Act for confirming Titles to Land and quieting Possessions.” 1 George III – Chapter 3 1761 This Act amends “An Act for confirming Titles to Land and quieting Possessions" to more sufficiently allow femes covert, persons non compos mentis or who are imprisoned, minors, and people out of the Province to sue for and recover any lands or tenements . National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Act in Amendment of an Act, intitled, “An Act, directing the Proceedings against forcible Entry and Detainer.” 1 George III – Chapter 2 1761 This Act amends "An Act, directing the Proceedings against forcible Entry and Detainer" to provide for securing and maintaining the inheritance and title of minors, femes covert, persons non compos mentis, imprisoned, or absentees. National Archive of the United Kingdom