Displaying 2681 - 2700 of 4386 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to alter and amend an Act intituled “An Act to incorporate sundry persons by the name of The President, Directors, and Company, of the Bank of New-Brunswick.” Passed the 20th of March, 1821. 2 George IV Chapter 20 1821 This act amends an 1820 act incorporating the Bank of New Brunswick, changing the terms of how capital and stock are issued. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1821. Fredericton: George K. Lugrin, 1821.
An Act to amend an Act intituled “An Act to enable the Province Treasurer to borrow the sum of nine thousand pounds, for paying off bounties and ether debts payable by the Laws of the Province.” Passed the 20th March, 1821. 2 George IV Chapter 19 1821 This act winds down an 1819 act allowing the province to borrow money to pay off its debts, and stipulates that all notes handed out under the terms of this act are to paid back. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1821. Fredericton: George K. Lugrin, 1821.
An Act to provide for the Remuneration and Reimbursement of certain Persons therein mentioned. Passed 14th April, 1821. 2 George IV – Chapter 19 1821 This Act provides for the remuneration of Commissioners for a number of infrastructure projects within the province. Early Canadiana Online
An Act in addition to the Acts now in force for raising a Revenue in this Province, and to continue the same. Passed the 20th of March, 1821. 2 George IV Chapter 18 1821 This amends the regulations concerning imports into the province and American trade. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1821. Fredericton: George K. Lugrin, 1821.
An Act to continue for a limited time a certain Act of the Parliament of this Province passed in the fifty-ninth year of His late Majesty’s Reign: entitled “An Act to alter the Laws now in force for granting Licences to Inn-keepers and to give to the Justices of the Peace in General Quarter Sessions assembled for their respective Districts, authority to regulate the Duties hereafter to be paid on such Licences. Passed 14th April, 1821. 2 George IV – Chapter 18 1821 This Act extends the Act mentioned in this Act's title, by two years plus the time to the conclusion of the following sitting of the Legislature. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to revive and extend some of the previsions of an Act intituled “An Act to provide for the necessities of the Province, occasioned by the failure of the late crop.” Passed the 20th of March 1821. 2 George IV Chapter 17 1821 This act allows for those owing the province money for famine relief granted under a 1817 act to pay it back via road labour, and establishes penalties for those who refuse to. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1821. Fredericton: George K. Lugrin, 1821.
An Act for the Preservation of Deer within this Province. Passed 14th April, 1821. 2 George IV – Chapter 17 1821 This Act prohibits deer hunting between January 10th and July 1st each year, describes the penalties for hunting during this period, and mentions exceptions for indigenous peoples. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for altering the time of holding the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace in the Home District. Passed 14th April, 1821. 2 George IV – Chapter 16 1821 This Act stipulates that going forward, "the Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the Home District" will convene "on the third Tuesdays in January, April, and July, and on the second Tuesday in October." Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the establishment of all roads in this Province for which any public monies may have been or shall be hereafter granted. Passed the 20th of March, 1821. 2 George IV Chapter 15 1821 This act deems any money previously granted for planning and building highways, but thats use had gone unrecorded, officially recorded as having been used for building highways. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1821. Fredericton: George K. Lugrin, 1821.
An Act further to relieve Vessels and small Craft from the payment of Light House Tonnage Duty. Passed 14th April, 1821. 2 George IV – Chapter 15 1821 This Act states that the only lighthouse tonnage duty which vessel captains must pay is to be on the actual tonnage of cargo contained within the vessel. The accurate burden of tonnage must be declared "at the Port or Place of Entry." Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend the Laws now in force relating to Trespasses, and to make further regulations to prevent the same. Passed the 20th of March, 1821. 2 George IV Chapter 14 1821 This act repeals exisiting laws regarding tresspass and creates new regulations for fines regarding animal tresspass and regulations or fences and other property dividers. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1821. Fredericton: George K. Lugrin, 1821.
An Act to enable Married Women more conveniently to convey their Real Estate. Passed 14th April, 1821. 2 George IV – Chapter 14 1821 This Act allows female property owners to sell their real estate by meeting with a Quarter Sessions of the Peace rather than requiring that they meet with the Court of King's Bench or a judge. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to repeal an Act intituled “An Act for the further increase of the Revenue of this Province,” and “An Act in addition to an Act, intituled an Act for the further increase of the Revenue of this Province.” Passed the 20th of March, 1821. 2 George IV Chapter 13 1821 This act repeals two previous acts for raising provincial revenue. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1821. Fredericton: George K. Lugrin, 1821.
An Act to establish an Uniform Currency throughout this Province. Passed 14th April, 1821. 2 George IV – Chapter 13 1821 This Act stipulates that as of 1 July 1822 there should be a single currency in Upper Canada, rather than the existing combination of British and New York currencies. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to render legal certain Small Notes and Inland Bills of Exchange within this Province. Passed 14th April, 1821. 2 George IV – Chapter 12 1821 This Act states that previous Acts of the British Parliament relating to "promissory notes" and "inland bills of exchange" do not apply to Upper Canada. Early Canadiana Online
An Act in addition to the several Acts now in force for regulating the inspection of fish for home consumption. Passed the 20th of March, 1821. 2 George IV Chapter 12 1821 This act prohibits the sale of uninspected fish. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1821. Fredericton: George K. Lugrin, 1821.
An Act for the more certain punishment of persons illegally solemnizing Marriage within this Province. Passed 14th April, 1821. 2 George IV – Chapter 11 1821 This Act makes it a misdemeanour to solemnize a marriage without respecting the laws pertaining to the same. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to repeal the Laws now in force relative to the preservation of Salmon, and to make further provisions respecting the Fisheries in certain parts of this Province, and also to prevent accidents by fire from persons fishing by torch or fire light. Passed 14th April, 1821. 2 George IV – Chapter 10 1821 This Act prohibits salmon fishing between October 25th and January 1st each year; prohibits fishing by fire-light at a distance of less than 100 yards from a "[m]ill or [m]ill-dam"; describes more specific salmon-fishing regulations for certain parts of the province; describes exceptions for indigenous peoples; and delineates the penalties for breaking the terms of this Act. Early Canadiana Online
An Act in addition to and amendment of an Act, intituled “An Act to provide for sick and disabled Seamen, not being Paupers, belonging to the Province.” Passed the 20th March, 1821. 2 George IV Chapter 10 1821 This act adds to an 1820 law for the support of sick or disbaled seamen, strengthening the power of local authorities to collect the duties owed by the provisions of this act. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1821. Fredericton: George K. Lugrin, 1821.
An Act to continue an Act passed in the fifty-fifth year of His late Majesty’s Reign, entitled “An Act to repeal an Act passed in the fifty-fourth year of His Majesty’s Reign, entitled ‘An Act to supply in certain cases the want of County Courts in this Province” and to make further provision for proceeding to Outlawry in certain cases therein mentioned. Passed 14th April, 1821. 2 George IV – Chapter 9 1821 This Act extends the previous Act, whose name is mentioned in this Act's title, for another eight years plus the time to the conclusion of the following sitting of the Legislature. Early Canadiana Online