Displaying 2961 - 2980 of 3407 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act in addition to, and in amendment of, an Act, passed in the forty-first year of His Majesty’s Reign, entitled, “An Act for repairing, cleaning and paving, the Streets in the Town and Peninsula of Halifax, and for removing obstructions therein;” and also the Act in amendment thereof, passed in the forty-second year of His present Majesty’s Reign. 50 George III – Chapter 11 (Session 2) 1809 An amendment to an act first passed in 1801, which divided the town of Halifax into wards for the purposes of repairing and maintaining roads. The amendment requires residents to keep the streets and gutters in front of their houses clean of any sort of filth or nuissance. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the support of a Light-House on Briar Island, at the entrance of the Bay of Fundy. 50 George III – Chapter 9 (Session 2) 1809 This act places a duty on ships who enter the Bay of Fundy in order to support a lighthouse on Briar Island. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to declare the forty Stalls erected by order of the Magistrates of the City of Montreal, on the new Market place, to be in lieu of, and considered as the Market House, with Stalls, intended by an Act of the forty seventh year of His Majesty’s Reign, Chapter seventh; and to put in force the other Provisions of the said Act. (15th May, 1809.) 49 George III Chapter 5 1809 An Act to build additional stalls at the City of Montreal's Market place and to make the temporary stalls constructed under “An Act to authorise the Magistrates of the City of Montreal to erect forty temporary Stalls in the new Market place, and to borrow a certain sum of Money for that purpose,” passed in 1808 permanent in lieu of constructing a new Market house. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for erecting Common Gaols with Court Halls, in the Inferior District of Gaspé. 48 George III Chapter 35 1808 An Act to establish two new court houses and gaols at New Carlisle (Bay of Chaleur) and Percé (Bay of Gaspé). Instructions for the purchase of land, selection of commissioners, and construction are outlined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for repairing and ameliorating the ancient Castle of Saint Lewis. (14th April, 1808.) 48 George III Chapter 34 1808 An Act to repair and ameliorate the Castle of Saint Lewis in Quebec City, which was Governor of the Province's residence. A fund of seven thousand pounds was created for this purpose. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend an Act passed in the forty seventh year of His Majesty’s reign, inituled, “An Act for the better regulation of the Fisheries in the Inferior District of Gaspé, and to repeal an Act or Ordinance, therein mentioned,” and to make further regulations for the said Fisheries. (14th April, 1808.) 48 George III Chapter 31 1808 An Act to amend a former Act passed in 1807, that allowed British subjects to freely take bait, cut wood, and fish from any river, creek, harbour, or road within the certain parts of the District of Gaspé. The Act also granted commander of British and Irish vessels the right to occupy unoccupied beaches within the district in order to cure and prepare fish for export. The amendments establish that all casks, barrels, or tierces of fish must be inspected by the Inspector of Fish prior to export. The Act implements further restrictions regarding how fish should be caught and exported and adds further instructions for the Inspector of Fish's duties. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for appropriating a sum of money therein mentioned towards repairing and furnishing the Hospital of the Town of Three Rivers. (14th April 1808.) 48 George III Chapter 30 1808 An Act to allocate funds to repair the hospital at Trois-Rivières, which was damaged in a fire. Early Canadiana Online
An Act further to continue, for a limited time, the Powers granted to certain Commissioners by an Act, intituled, “An Act for removing the old Walls and Fortifications that surround the City of Montreal, and otherwise to provide for the salubrity, convenience and embellishment of the said City” as also, to continue for a limited time, the extension of the said Powers in certain cases. (14th April, 1808.) 48 George III Chapter 29 1808 This Act extends the powers of commissioners and the treasurer appointed under an Act passed in 1801 and continued in 1805, which had been set to expire. The Act sets a new expiry for these positions. The original Act set out provisions for removing the walls and fortifications around Montreal, and outlined how the lands then occupied by the walls and fortifications should be sold. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to appropriate a Sum of Money therein mentioned, to assist in opening a Road of Communication between the Parish of Saint Pierre, in Saint Paul’s Bay, and the Parishes of Saint Ferréol and Saint Joachim. (14th April, 1808.) 48 George III Chapter 28 1808 An Act to fund a road between the Parish of Saint Pierre in Saint Paul’s Bay and the Parishes of Saint Ferréol and Saint Joachim to be overseen by the Grand Voyer of the District of Quebec. Early Canadiana Online
An Act more effectually to provide for the making, altering and repairing the Highways and Bridges, within the Inferior District of Gaspé, and to repeal so much of an Act, passed in the thirty-sixth year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act for making, repairing and altering the Highways and Bridges within this Province, and for other purposes” as regards the said Inferior District. (14th April, 1808.) 48 George III Chapter 25 1808 An Act to repeal and amend a former provincial Act so far as it applies to the District of Gaspé in order to make the maintenance of highways and bridges more effective there. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for applying a further sum of money towards the building and compleating of a Common Gaol, for the District of Quebec. (14th April, 1808.) 48 George III Chapter 20 1808 An Act to provide further funds towards demolishing an old gaol and for the completion of the common gaol in the District of Quebec. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide a permanent Fund, for the improvement of the Inland Navigation of the River Saint Lawrence. (14th April, 1808.) 48 George III Chapter 19 1808 An Act to implement a fee to be paid to the Inspector of Scows and Rafts at Chateauguay by pilots transporting masts, timber, staves, boards, planks, firewood, or other articles through the rapids along the River St. Lawrence in order to establish a permanent fund for continued improvements to waterways between Montreal and Lake St. Francis. Fines for those who fail to pay this fee are established. Early Canadiana Online
An Act further to continue, for a limited time, an Act passed in the forty-fifth year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act for the preservation of Apple Trees in the Parish of Montreal.” (14th April, 1808.) 48 George III Chapter 17 1808 An Act to continue an Act passed in 1805, “An Act for the preservation of Apple Trees in the Parish of Montreal," for a limited time. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend an act passed in the forty-seventh year of his Majesty’s reign, entitled “an act to establish Public Schools in each and every district of this Province.” Passed 16th March, 1808. 48 George III – Chapter 16 1808 This act allows the trustees of the public school for the District of London to decide where the said school shall be located. Acts related to Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada in North America, passed in the year 1808. York: John Cameron, 1808.
An Act to extend the provisions of an Act made and passed in the forty seventh year of His Majesty’s reign, intituled, “An Act for the more easy recovery of small Debts in certain parts of this Province.” (14th April, 1808.) 48 George III Chapter 15 1808 An Act to extend a former Act from 1807, and further enacts that all Justices who are to be appointed will have the rights, powers, and authority mentioned in the former Act. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for building a Court House and Gaol in the Township of Elizabethtown, in the District of Johnstown. Passed 16th March, 1808. 48 George III – Chapter 15 1808 This act stipulates that a gaol and courthouse be built in Elizabethtown in the District of Johnstown. Acts related to Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada in North America, passed in the year 1808. York: John Cameron, 1808.
An Act for making perpetual, with some amendments, the Act, intituled, “An Act for the appointment of an Inspector and, Measurers of Scows and Rafts, and for regulating the Pilots and Conductors thereof, between Chateauguay and the City of Montreal.” (14th April, 1808.) 48 George III Chapter 13 1808 An Act to make a former Act from 1805 perpetual, with some amendments. The Act annuls the former's regulations for the measurement and branding of scows, amends stipulations regarding fees and penalties, and the Inspector's duties. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the better regulating the Statute Labour in the Counties of Essex and Kent, in the Western District. Passed 16th March, 1808. 48 George III – Chapter 12 1808 This act allows magistrates in the Western District to appoint overseers of the labour performed in maintenance of highways and roads in the district. Acts related to Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada in North America, passed in the year 1808. York: John Cameron, 1808.
An Act for the better Representation of the Commons of this Province in Parliament, and to repeal part of an Act passed in the fortieth year of his Majesty’s reign, entitled “an Act for the more equal representation of the Commons of this Province, and for the better defining the qualification of the Electors.” Passed 16th March, 1808. 48 George III – Chapter 11 1808 This act adds members of the assembly for various ridings throughout the province. Acts related to Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada in North America, passed in the year 1808. York: John Cameron, 1808.
An Act to provide a temporary Gaol for the District of Montreal. (14th April, 1808.) 48 George III Chapter 9 1808 An Act to erect a temporary gaol in the District of Montreal until a permanent gaol is erected according to the terms presented in an 1805 act. Early Canadiana Online