Displaying 241 - 260 of 431 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to continue for a limited time, a certain Act therein-mentioned, passed in the fourth year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act to repeal a certain Act therein-mentioned, and to provide for the Police of the Borough of William Henry and certain other Villages in this Province.” (29th March, 1826.) 6 George IV Chapter 27 1826 An Act to continue an Act passed in 1824 that replaces two former Acts regarding the Policing villages and boroughs. Under the 1824 Act, these communities were to elect Trustees to enforce rules and regulations outlined within it, largely pertaining to fire prevention. The Act outlined how Trustees and an Inspector for each village or borough are to be appointed, as well as their duties and terms. This Act is to remain in force until 1830. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue an Act, entitled, “An Act for the better preservation of the Property of the Inhabitants of the Town of Halifax, by providing for a sufficient Watch at Night.” 6 George IV – Chapter 15 1825 A continuation of an act passed in 1818, which provides for the establishment of a night watch to police the town of Halifax to protect its inhabitants’ property. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to alter and amend the Acts relating to the granting of Licences to Tavern Keeper and Retailer of Spirituous Liquors. Passed 17th March, 1825. 6 George IV Chapter 13 1825 This act amends the process for awarding licences to sell liquor and penalties for violations of their terms. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1825. Fredericton: George K. Lugrin, 1825.
An Act to continue the several Acts of the General Assembly, for raising a Revenue to repair the Roads throughout the Province, by laying a Duty on Persons hereafter to be licensed to keep Public Houses and Shops, for the Retail of Spirituous Liquors. 6 George IV – Chapter 6 1825 A continuation of several past acts which impose taxes on public houses in order to pay for road repair across the province. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue certain Acts therein-mentioned, relating to the Militia of this Province. (22d. March, 1825.) 5 George IV – Chapter 21 1825 An Act to further continue an Act from 1803, “An Act for the better regulation of the Militia of this Province, and for repealing certain Acts or Ordinances therein-mentioned,” as amended by the 1817 Act, “An Act for reviving and continuing for a limited time, and amending an Act passed in the forty-third year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, ‘An Act for the better regulation of the Militia of this Province, and for repealing certain Acts or Ordinances therein-mentioned,’” and the 1819 Act “An Act further to continue for a limited time, and to amend an Act passed in the forty-third year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, ‘An Act for the better regulation of the Militia of this Province, and for repealing certain Acts or Ordinances therein-mentioned.’” These Acts are to remain in force until 1827. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue, for a further limited time, two certain Acts therein-mentioned, relating to the Watch and Night Lights in the Cities of Quebec and Montreal. (22d March, 1825.) 5 George IV – Chapter 1 1825 An Act to continue an Act that originally passed in 1818 that was continued in 1821 and 1823, then amended in 1823. Under the original Act, the Justices of the Peace residing in the cities of Quebec and Montreal were allowed to establish any number of men they deem necessary as Night Watchmen and cause the principal streets, public places, lanes, and avenues, to be lit by lamps at night. Under the 1823 amendments the number of Watchmen permitted in each city is limited, and multiple sections of the 1818 Act were repealed and replaced. Under this Act, the processes by which a Committee composed of Justices of the Peace is to assemble and their duties with relation to the Watch and Night Lights are described. These Acts are to remain in force until 1827. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to repeal the Laws now in force for appointing Firewards, and the better extinguishing of Fires, so far as the same relate to the Town of Fredericton, and to make regulations more suitable to the said Town. Passed 11th March, 1824. 5 George IV Chapter 5 1824 This act replaces exisiting laws concerning fire fighting in Fredericton and creates new rules and regulations for those charged with fire prevention. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1824. Fredericton: George K. Lugrin, 1824.
An Act to continue for a limited time and amend an Act passed in the first year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act for the maintenance of good order in Churches, Chapels and other places used for Public Worship, and for repealing an Act therein-mentioned.” (9th March, 1824.) 4 George IV Chapter 35 1824 An Act to continue an Act from 1821 “An Act for the maintenance of good order in Churches, Chapels and other places used for Public Worship, and for repealing an Act therein mentioned,” that repealed and replaced an Act passed in 1817, "An Act to provide for the maintenance of good order on Sundays and Holidays." The 1821 Act redefined the responsibilities of Churchwardens, Militiamen, and Peace Officers and the penalties for those who neglect these duties or the Act's terms. This Act continues the 1821 Act until 1827 and clarifies the second clause of the said Act. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the more speedy remedy of divers abuses, prejudicial to Agricultural Improvement and Industry in this Province, and for other purposes. (9th March, 1824.) 4 George IV Chapter 33 1824 An Act to increase the penalties against those who commit trespasses, wrongs, and abuses prejudicial to Agricultural Improvement, including carrying away, breaking down or injuring fences on land not belonging to them, and cutting down or otherwise destroying any trees, bushes or shrubs, without the leave of the land's proprietor. Fines and exceptions to this Act are outlined. The Act also describes how violent or misbehaving animals like dogs, horses, rams, or cattle, are to be handled, and penalties if owners do not follow the terms of this Act and sets several regulations of the treatment of servants and apprentices. Other restrictions on land maintenance including drains, weeds, and fences are outlined, including how these terms should be enforced. The terms of several former Acts are extended. This Act is to expire in 1826. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue the several Acts of the General Assembly for raising a Revenue to repair the Roads throughout the Province, by laying a Duty on Persons hereafter to be Licensed to keep Public Houses and Shops for the retail of Spirituous Liquors. 4 George IV – Chapter 33 1824 A continuation of several past acts which impose taxes on public houses in order to pay for road repair across the province. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to make more ample Provision for Regulating the Police of the Town of Kingston. Passed Jan. 19th, 1824. 4 George IV – Chapter 30 1824 This act repeals an act first passed in 1816, and replaces it with new clauses relevant to the powers of local magistrates in Kingston, and the appointment of police. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Continue and Amend an Act passed in the fifty-eighth year of His Late Majesty’s Reign, entitled, “An Act to Continue the Laws now in force for granting an additional Duty on Shop Licences,” and to require Persons selling Spirituous Liquors’ by Whole Sale to take out a Licence for that purpose. Passed Jan. 19th, 1824. 4 George IV – Chapter 19 1824 The continuation of an act first passed in 1818 pertaining the acquiring of licenses by shop keepers and the duties imposed on these shop licenses, with amendments and additions of clauses pertaining to the selling of liquor. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue an Act, entitled, “An Act for the better preservation of the Property of the Inhabitants of the Town of Halifax by providing for a sufficient Watch at Night.” 4 George IV – Chapter 16 1824 A continuation of an act passed in 1818, which provides for the establishment of a night watch to police the town of Halifax to protect its inhabitants’ property. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend an Act passed in the third year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act further to regulate persons who keep Houses of Public Entertainment, and retail Spirituous Liquors, and for other purposes.” (9th March, 1824.) 4 George IV Chapter 9 1824 An Act to amend an Act from 1823, "An Act further to regulate Persons who keep Houses of Public Entertainment, and retail Spirituous Liquors, and for other purposes." Under this Act the meetings required by the second clause of the former Act may be held on any day between the twentieth day of February and the tenth day of April in each and every year. This Act also states how these meetings are to be fixed. This Act is to expire in 1826. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to repeal a certain Act therein-mentioned, and to provide for the Police of the Borough of William Henry, and certain other Villages, in this Province. (9th March, 1824.) 4 George IV Chapter 2 1824 An Act to repeal a former Act passed in 1818 and continued in 1822, "An Act to provide for the Police of certain Boroughs and Villages," which provided for the police of villages and boroughs consisting of not less than thirty inhabited houses within the space of at least fifteen acres, including the the Borough of William Henry [Sorel-Tracy]. This Act replaces the former by requiring each village or borough to elect Trustees to enforce rules and regulations outlined within it, largely pertaining to fire prevention. The Act outlines how Trustees and an Inspector for each village or borough are to be appointed, as well as their duties and terms. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend and continue the several Acts, now in force, for regulating the Expenditures of Monies for the service of Roads and Bridges. 4 George IV – Chapter 30 1823 A continuation of several past acts regarding the funding of road maintenance in the province. Included are a few amendments pertaining to wagons which may impede the road either by leaving debris or using chains on their wheels. Early Canadiana Online
An Act further to increase the Revenue of the Province, by imposing a duly upon all Rum and other Spirituous Liquors that shall be distilled within the same. Passed the 27th March, 1823. 4 George IV Chapter 29 1823 This act establishes new duties on both imported and home produced spirits and penalites for their violation. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1823. Fredericton: George K. Lugrin, 1823.
An Act to extend to the Town of Pictou, an Act, passed in the second year of His late Majesty’s reign, entitled, “An Act for appointing Firewards, ascertaining their duty, and for punishing thefts and disorders at the time of Fire;” and also several Acts and Clauses of Acts since passed, in amendment and alteration thereof. 4 George IV – Chapter 24 1823 This act extends a past act appointing firewards in the town of Halifax, applying it to the town of Pictou. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to prevent disorderly Riding, and to regulate the driving of Carriages on the Streets of Halifax, or other Towns, or on the Public Roads of this Province, and for repealing certain Acts therein mentioned. 4 George IV – Chapter 23 1823 This act specifies various rules to be followed by vehicles and horseback riders while using the public roads. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend an Act, intituled “An Act for the better extinguishing Fires which may happen in the Towns of Fredericton and Saint Andrews.” Passed the 27th March, 1823. 4 George IV Chapter 20 1823 This act amends an 1822 act for fire prevention in Fredericton and Saint Andrews, making fines and penalties collected under the said act payable to the local fire wardens rather than overseers of the poor. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1823. Fredericton: George K. Lugrin, 1823.