An Act to alter and amend certain parts of an Ordinance made and passed in the twenty-fifth Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Third, intituled, “An Ordinance to regulate the proceedings of the Courts of Civil Judicature, and to establish Trials by Juries, in actions of a Commercial nature, and personal wrongs, to be compensated in damages, in what relates to the issuing of Writs of Capias ad respondendum and to Special Bail.” (23d March, 1825.)
Chapter5 George IV – Chapter 2
Jurisdictional Relevance
Number of Articles3
DescriptionAn Act to alter and amend an Ordinance from 1785 concerning the condition of bails to be given by any Defendant arrested under the terms of Capias ad respondendum, making it so that Cognizers shall not become liable for the bail unless the Defendant leaves the Province without having paid their debt, interest and costs. Additionally, under this Act, no writ of Capias ad respondendum can be issued by the suit of someone residing in Upper Canada against someone living in Lower Canada, except as specified.
SourceNot available