Displaying 1 - 10 of 64 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Ordinance to prevent the Exportation of Gypsum or Plaister from the Island of Cape Breton and its Dependencies without Permission from the Governor Lieutenant Governor or Commander in Chief for the time being. 57 George III Chapter 1 1817 National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Ordinance to render and make valid Certain marriages in this Island heretofore solemnized before Magistrates. 56 George III Chapter 1 1816 National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Ordinance for the better regulation of Stallions and Swine in the Northern District of the Island of Cape Breton. 54 George III Chapter 1 1814 National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Ordinance for granting to his Majesty an Excise on all Rum & Other distilled Spiritous Liquors distilled in or brought into this Island or its Dependencies and for the more effectual improving and Extending the Trade of this Island 49 George III Chapter 3 1809 National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Ordinance to Authorize and Empower the Justices of the Peace in the different Districts of the Island in their Sessions to Establish Ferries and fix the Rates of Ferriage 49 George III Chapter 2 1809 National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Ordinance to Revive and Continue an ordinance for raising a Revenue by an Impost on Rum and other Spirituous Liquors made and passed in Council the 14th Day of December 1801 and Continued by several Ordinance to the 31st day of December 1808. When the said Ordinance Expired. 49 George III Chapter 1 1809 National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Ordinance in Addition to and Amendment of an Ordinance made and passed in the forty fifth Year of His Majesty’s Reign entitled an Ordinance for the Establishment of a Western District being an Ordinance in Addition to and Amendment of an Ordinance made and passed the 20th July 1805, for regulating the times of holding the Supreme Court and Sessions of the Peace in the Island of Cape Breton. 48 George III Chapter 3 1808 National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Ordinance to Amend and render more effectual and reduce into One Ordinance the several Ordinances heretofore made in this Island concerning the retailing Spirituous Liquors in small quantitys, by Licence, and for regulating Tavern’s. 48 George III Chapter 2 1808 National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Ordinance, For the Better observation and keeping of the Lords day. 48 George III Chapter 1 1808 National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Ordinance for the more Effectually preventing Damages by Unseasonably burning or Setting fire to the Woods Under Brush &c &c 46 George III Chapter 4 1806 National Archive of the United Kingdom